Saturday, November 4, 2017


"They give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst." (Psalms 104:11)
For all that God is limitless in, we are not. We might think that we have some sort of ability to obtain this or that, but in reality, we hopelessly helpless without God's hand of protection and provision. If you think that I am wrong, then imagine what you would do if God stopped holding up the sun, or if the world were to stop turning. I know there are people who don't agree, I meet them all the time. They think we are alone in this thing called life, and that everything just evolved over hundreds of millions of years; as if there was time enough for there to be mistakes, and time enough for life to get it right and evolve into it's self. I think they might need to start adding a few more zeros onto the end of that line of thinking; but if they did, the sun would no longer exist! I know that this verse is speaking of animals, but to understand the need that we have for God's hand to continue to hold things together, there really is no difference between us and them. As far as life is concerned, life all comes from the same source, God! If you have some sort of other opinion, then maybe you should read the first seven chapters of Genesis again, placing yourself in the characters that lived and died. We have no power whatsoever to control life and death. They might be working on it, and I see headlines all the time that point to some sort of progress; but I seriously doubt God would allow such a thing to happen, even if it somehow could. That is why Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden, to stop them from having access to the Tree of Life. God limited the amount of years that man would live in this fallen state; and after the flood, it was really limited; about ten times the amount of time as before the flood. The less time we live, the less time we have to try and be naughty...
""Who gives the wild donkey its freedom? Who untied its ropes? I have placed it in the wilderness; its home is the wasteland. It hates the noise of the city and has no driver to shout at it. The mountains are its pastureland, where it searches for every blade of grass. "Will the wild ox consent to being tamed? Will it spend the night in your stall? Can you hitch a wild ox to a plow? Will it plow a field for you? Given its strength, can you trust it? Can you leave and trust the ox to do your work? Can you rely on it to bring home your grain and deliver it to your threshing floor?"" (Job 39:5-12) NLT

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