Saturday, November 25, 2017


"The glory of the LORD shall endure for ever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works." (Psalms 104:31)
I am sorry if you thought I was speaking of salvation, because it was about the peace and the joy that comes by fulfillment of purpose. What good are you otherwise? We are marked, created in the image and in the power of the resurrected Christ Jesus, and it is something that we need to work at in order to hide what we are in Christ. If you are a child of God, you are not junk! Get your life out of the gutter, because you do not belong there; you are only there because you are not fulfilling your God given purpose. (I pray that is not just for me.) We serve a God that does not make junk! To think that He would have made the mistake by calling you, is nonsense, because it is impossible for God to make mistakes. Every single one of us has been chosen for a specific purpose, whether good or bad, who can tell; but we are all part of His glorious masterpiece, and that masterpiece is good and perfect! It does not matter what you have done, or how many times you have done it; what matters is that you surrender your life to the Lord. Give Him all you got, and then some! Maybe that is where many of us have made our mistakes, by starting out giving Him all, and keeping whatever comes next. It is all His, it was never ours, even the stuff we have gained over the years; it is all rubbish, no matter what it might have cost, it will all burn in the fire. That is what Jesus was talking about when He said to store up treasures in Heaven, because the stuff we store up here will all go away, but whatever is stored in Heaven will remain for eternity. It is all about being glorious for the glory of God. No matter what that might represent for you, as long as you are giving glory to God, then you are on the road to redemption. The most important thing that we do is the ministry of reconciliation. Does what you do reconcile people to God? or does it repel people away from God? Salt and light are for bringing people into God's Kingdom, not driving them away. One thing is for sure, "the LORD shall rejoice in his works," so what part of His works do you want to be? Good or bad, who can tell? You can, for starters! You can hide nothing from God, and He does not hide things from you. Everything He wants you to do, you already know, you just need to do it. Be faithful in the little things! Taste and see...
"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Hebrews 13:20-21) KJV

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