Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"More of The Eternal God"

"But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; thy remembrance unto all generations." (Psalms 102:12)
When we get before the Eternal God, there really is nothing within this temporal world that can move us or cause us fear. It is pretty amazing how that works; and yet, it only takes a blink or so of an eye, and we can find ourselves spooked and feeling alone again. We might feel ashamed by those kind of feelings, but we really should not be too hard on ourselves, because it's only human. After all, when you start fellowshipping with God on a level that reaches something beyond your natural existence, it really does not take much to bring you back into our normal surroundings. This God that we serve is beyond anything that we could ever hope for or imagine, so it is really not so hard to understand how we can be close enough to feel His presence, yet far enough away to forget what He feels like. Within this verse is the reason why the Word of God is the most important part of knowing Him; not that the Holy Spirit is not equally important, but the Holy Spirit is with us to magnify the Word. If you were to research history and try to find the times people have tried to remove God's word from existence, it would totally amaze you how God turns every effort into something just the opposite. It is the same with the church, as there have been numerous times where the church has been under heavy persecution, yet instead of causing the church to dwindle, the opposite result had occurred. It will always work like that, because faith gets stronger when it is tested. When we are weak, He is strong! God has given us His Word so that we might get to know Him. We can get to know Him by feelings, but feelings can come and go so easily, yet His Word endures for ever. It is God's Word that makes us sure; miracles and wonders are brief and soon overlooked, but His Word will always minister to and show us the way. Is it any wonder how many churches have neglected to teach the Word of God? Oh, they might open the service with a verse, but then it becomes more about human nature and less about the Eternal God. Jesus, speaking to the woman at the well, said, "Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on the mountain or is Jerusalem." (John 4:21 NLT) We seem to forget sometimes how to worship, because real worship is not about us, it's about God and His Truth...
" But LORD, you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation." (Lamentations 5:19 NLT)  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 NLT)

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