Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Man's Great Pleasure"

"When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the LORD." (Psalms 102:22)
No matter what you might think about heaven, heaven will be a place where God is worshipped and where we are one with our Creator, once and for all. Even those, who, whatever it looks like, are outside of the inner court, will all be one with everyone else, both those who serve God and those who serve others, it will all somehow together. Put it this way, no one is going to be disappointed by where they are or where they end up; no one in heaven that is! There will be those who are eternally sent into hell; do not let anyone kid you on that. Hell is for real, so if someone tries to tell you that it's not, you need to study your Bible and prove it yourself. At least then you can truly know where you stand. Talking about standing, during the teaching last night, Pastor Pete mentioned that Jesus was standing at the well with the Samaritan Woman, between two mountains, one was called Blessing, and the other was called Cursing. I had never heard that before, but it is exactly where we all stand when we are presented the Gospel Message. There will be a decision made, where ever we are presented with the Gospel, one the one side will be blessing, and on the other the curse. Actually, the curse is the side that we are already on; it's the blessing side that we need to come over to. You probably don't realize what a miracle you really are, and how blessed you are to be on the Blessing side. If God had not softened your heart, and if God had not presented you with the truth, and if God had not given you exactly what you needed to know, when you needed to know it, you would still be on the curse side of that well. This is why we will all be not disappointed by where we end up in heaven; it will be a miracle that we have even made it; and it will be our great pleasure to serve the Lord, for all eternity...
"And the LORD said, "Name him Lo-ammi -'Not my people' -for Israel is not my people, and I am not their God. Yet the time will come when Israel's people will be like the sands on the seashore -too many to count! Then, at the place where they were told, 'You are not my people,' it will be said, 'You are children of the living God.'" (Hosea 1:9-10) NLT

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