Saturday, September 1, 2012

"God's Mighty Hand" -3

"As for God, His way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him." (Psalms 18:30) Usually when it comes to trusting in God, we think of His promises and the benefits that come from knowing that He is the Giver of all good gifts, and that He knows what is best for us, as He bestows those gifts upon us. This is no doubt a given for all of us that follow the doctrine that proclaims the saving grace which comes with giving our lives to Jesus Christ, and then trusting in that saving knowledge that comes with making Jesus the Lord of our lives. This kind of trust is needed for our life that we live in Christ; making every life choice based upon the knowledge that God knows best, and that we need to trust Him with all of our cares in this life; but what about in death? Death is the final act that we will be performing here upon this earth; the curtain comes down on the final act, so where does our trust go when we face that final curtain? Is that even anything that matters to how we measure what our trust is? No doubt, we are meant to be trusting God in every area of our lives, for His word has given us many reasons to place our trust in Him for our livelihood and the provisions of this life; but in death we have our greatest trust of all, which carries with it the promise of a new life, free from all of the cares of this world, including those that involve trying to live out God's commands. This is the kind of trust that takes refuge in God's mighty hand, not just for this life, but in death also we continue to stand in that refuge; which is a dwelling place, and a place in which we take that final act upon this earth; a place that continues to carry us beyond this life and all that is associated with it. When we look at the meaning of the word "buckler", it is a term that speaks of a smaller shield, much like one that would be held in the hand of a man, verses the shield of protection that is provided by God's hand. This kind of shield speaks more to the identification of the shield, much like a crest or the symbol that is represented by the shield, and what is made known by the man that holds such a shield within his hand. In this we are given a view of what it means to trust in what we have been given as an individual who abides in the hand of God, verses a man that will just trust that he is protected by God's hand. In other words; we are in the hand of God, and God holds our shield because He is holding us; our personal shield that is meant for us individually, is not only for our protection, but is the identification of our trust in that protection. I see this by a vision of a mighty vessel which is set out sea, with it's way charted, and it's charting is unmovable by any force whatsoever; and upon this vessel, I see myself standing towards the front and holding onto this shield that's base is resting on the deck of the ship. This shield, although it may provide for me some protection, is meant to display that I am part of that mighty indestructible ship, and where it goes, I go, and nothing can change that... "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD." (Isaiah 54:17)

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