Friday, September 7, 2012

"Ruled of God" -2

"Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip." (Psalms 18:36) I have been known to sometimes 'spiritualize the text', or so I have been told; but as far as I am concerned, the Bible is the Word of God, and His Spirit lives within each and every word of it! If you wanted to provide the most secure life for your children, without having to take away from them their ability to provide for themselves, then how would you go about it? When I think about this long enough, it can really make my head start to swirl. Again; we are talking about those that are in love with God; they love God because they realize just how much that He loves them. I have been looking for a movie that is about Sushi, and it is based upon the art being handed down from a father to his son. As with many family owned businesses, especially those that are involved with a craft, part of the ability to perform well in that craft is based upon the craft being a part of who you are; your father being a master craftsman has somehow rubbed off on you! Part of the problem that we have in this modern day culture, is that families are not structured the way that they once were. Everyone is living as if they are all in it for themselves, instead of caring for each other the way that God has intended us to do. This may very well be the fault of government, and how they somehow have taken on the responsibility of providing for people on so many levels, that who needs to depend on each other anymore, if there is government there to do it. The reason that this idea of caring for each other is even relevant to teaching a child something like a craft, is because they go together in the manner of living out what it means to care about what you are doing. For example; a master craftsman is such because he takes great care in that which he creates or the work that he performs. As with that Sushi movie that I am looking for, the son must learn more than how to roll up sushi, he must learn how to make it an art; making it his art is based upon the quality that was in his father and how his father made it his art too. Even if the son may do sushi different from the way that his father did, if he has made it his art, then he too will be a master craftsman at making sushi. The way that God enlarges our steps before us, is by making those steps that which is something dear to us. As with many family run businesses, the thing that makes many successful, is how the business is actually a part of the family; it is as though there are generations of trials and triumphs that have made it into something that lives, and is part of each and everyone that still works it; as long as they have the same care for it as did those that were before them... "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men." (Proverbs 18:16)

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