Sunday, September 30, 2012

"God's All Seeing Eye"

"His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof." (Psalms 19:6) When talking about the sun, this verse speaks of scientific facts that were not yet known at the time of it's writing; but when speaking of God's mighty power, there is every bit of truth in this verse that has been known of Him since the beginning of time. If we were to try and hid from God, there is no place that He will not find us; let alone the things that we think that we can hide from Him, they are in plan sight to Him, and we should know that. As I was thinking about some of the stupid things that I have done over the years, I had to wonder what blacked out my common sense and made me think that God was not watching, or was not paying attention to those things that I was doing. There is nowhere that God can not see those things that we do, or the thoughts that we think, or even the dreams that we make come to life in our minds; He can see it all, every last bit of it, and we know that! That is the hardest thing for me to understand, and to wrap my mind around; us doing what we know that He can see, and yet we go ahead and do it anyways. Yes, I know; David is speaking about the sun; as he was also in the previous verse; but don't you think that God speaks more through His own word than the person that wrote it? After all; Who put these words in David's heart? We have so many things available to us to remind us that He is watching us, some of which are more available than others. I know of something that most of us have that has ten reasons to let them be reminders to God's all seeing eye, and that is our two hands. That kind of gives meaning to the "Lift Up Holy Hands" way of honoring God; whereby we use our hands as reminders of His ever-present Spirit that is watching every move that we make and knows every thought that we think. As I have been trying to look for God's love to be evident in my life and in this world, I have noticed that God has opened up my eyes to more things that I feel led to pray about; things like hurting families, and children that do not know what real love is; our brothers and sisters that let the stupidest things bring a wedge between them, and then that wedge becomes a place and a thing that the devil rules; and something that I feel the enemy is taking from us all, and that is our ability to communicate to one another. Sure, our avenues of communication have expanded to the ends of the earth, where people can chat, tweet, and facebook each other all the way across the globe; but it breaks my heart when I see a young couple sitting at a restaurant booth, both busy texting or posting, while their young child fidgets in boredom. More and more this new freedom of expression that we have in technology is shutting down our communication with one another. More and more it is becoming the cause for divorce and separations among couples all across every sort, both those that are believers and those that are not; because they are communicating more in cyberspace than they are with each other. Go ahead and scoff at what I am saying, because I know that there are some who will; but if we don't start talking to each other, especially to our spouses and our children, then we are going to be throwing precious time away; time that is meant to be expressing love to one another, not entertaining ourselves in our virtual worlds...

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