Sunday, September 23, 2012

"God's Fingerprint"

Coming now to this amazing Psalm which depicts not only God's fingerprint upon His creation and within His Holy Word, but also upon the man and the woman that would realize them and walk accordingly. Psalms Nineteen is the first of many Psalms that are in my Bible which have a title at the beginning and another title within the Psalm. I have discovered that not every one's Bible has the same titles, and that it might depend upon the type of Bible you are reading whether there are even any titles at all. As for me, I have chosen the original King James, Zodhiates' Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible; mostly because I discovered a long time ago that if you want to be able to study the Scriptures using the original Hebrew and Greek writings, then you must have the original King James version of the Bible, as almost every source of reference is based upon the original translation. I choose Zodhiates' because I loved his book "Was Christ God?", which was based  upon the first eighteen verses in the Gospel of John; a book I highly recommend for anyone who doubts the Deity of Jesus Christ, or needs to prove it to someone else; although, I have found that it is hard to convince someone who does not posses the Holy Spirit within them, and if they do have the Holy Spirit in them, then it only confirms what they already know. Anyhow; as I was saying, this Psalm is the first one in my Bible that has two titles: one for verses one though six, which is "God's Creation", and one for verses seven through fourteen, which is "God's Law". Psalms Nineteen is put forth in two parts the depict God's fingerprint upon all of creation with the evidence of His handiwork, and His fingerprint upon His law that governs everything that is in existence. But, within these separate two parts are interwoven the proof of God's fingerprint upon our hearts, and the results of a heart that not only realizes that they are there, but that then cherishes them with all of their might. This is a great example of the parables that Jesus gave regarding the 'Buried Treasure' and the 'Very Beautiful Pearl' that we find in Matthew 13:44-46. Once that we discover God's existence, His requirements, His judgement, and then His great forgiveness, we must do nothing else but give everything for Him... "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for the joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." (Matthew 13:44-46)

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