Saturday, September 8, 2012

"The Pure of Heart"

"I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed." (Psalms 18:37) After having been teased with the whole master craftsman gig from yesterday, we might have a little better understanding what is required to be pure of heart, and to pursue excellence; it is something that is part of the fiber within the man or woman who wishes to be the very best that they can be. God will not ask us to do something that we cannot do, because He knows very well, that if we do not have what it takes to do it, then He will provide us with whatever we need to get it done. It is really just that simple! In other words; if God has brought you to something, then God will bring you through it! And more importantly; if you have been instructed to do something by God, then He will supply everything you need to get it done! Having said that, there is this matter of holiness; which God has instructed each and everyone of us, saying, "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy". If God has so instructed us, and knowing how impossible it is for us to achieve holiness, then He must have the means to equip us to be Holy; Right? Okay; I might need to come at this from another direction, and say what I feel that many of us accept; in that we accept the fact that we are incapable of achieving holiness, therefore we do not even try. Oh, we might move towards holiness in some areas, especially those that other people can plainly see; but when it comes to obtaining pure holiness, we fall extremely short in achieving it, because we don't even try to pursue it. Much like the desire within someone who wishes to be the very best at whatever they do, there is not only the need to stretch forth in doing what is necessary to achieve greatness, but there is also a greater need to overtake anything that will defeat your progress. This is where those that wish to pursue holiness must have a pure heart; because there are things that stand in the way of holiness that must be overtaken, and we can't just stop at the ones that make us have an appearance of holiness, but we must continue to pursue all that is unholy...

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