Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Ruled By God" -2

"He maketh my feet like hinds feet, and setteth me upon my high places." (Psalms 18:33) Here we have two characteristics of what is required to be far removed from sin. Now I know that David may well be speaking of battlefield maneuvers that God had gifted him with, but seriously, is it not a battle that we are in? Both of these characteristics require us to have a deep desire to obey God and to serve Him; yet, they are gifts that God gives us to ensure that our desire is met. The first gift that David is referring to is that of quick feet; the actual definition for 'hinds' is that that of a female dear or a doe, which is quick to spring into any direction, and is able to avoid that which is threatening it. I know it might seem a little odd, but you may have heard the term, "Curiosity killed the cat", well this is not a characteristic that you find in deer, they are not the curious type. Numerous times Paul tells us to flee from those things that will tear us apart: fornication, idolatry, the love of money, and youthful lusts. But here is the thing about fleeing from these things that Paul mentions, you have to want to flee them! Yes, it is a desire that takes on this characteristic, by which we are quick to respond to that which a threat to our relationship with God, and we are equip with the ability to escape the temptation. Which brings us to this next gift that God will give, and that is that of a watchman; which is a gift in and of itself; for by this gift, not only does God give us the heart of discernment, but He will give us the vantage point to see what is coming and to be ready. But again, this is something else that we have to want to have the equipping for; we have to desire to be on guard, to be vigilant and ready; and if that is our desire, God will gift us with the ability to see the enemy coming and to know when it is time to run...

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