Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"God's Creation" -2

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork." (Psalms 19:1) If any of you personally know someone who thinks that they are an atheist, then you might ask them to take a deeper look into the heavens and ponder their existence; not only that of the heavens, but to place themselves into that vastness, and then ask themselves, How do I exist? It really takes more creativity to deny God's existence than it does to accept the fact that He does exist; if for no other reason than to explain our existence. From the time I was in about third grade, I can remember the introduction of the 'Big Bang' theory into the classroom; how they would make us watch these films that gave the secular humanist point of view to creation, and how it was to try and prove that God was not the cause of all of this. More than once I was taken out of the classroom for being disruptive during a presentation, and for making my voice of disagreement known. Even though I might have been raised in a cult, it was a cult that believed in the existence of God and that He was the reason for our existence. What changed my life, was being shown the fact that Jesus Christ is that Creator; and once I was shown that, I saw the cross in a whole new light. It was the most powerful thing that I had ever felt; to see the one who hung upon that cross as the the one who was responsible for my existence: that my Creator would sacrifice His life on the cross to give me eternal life, was enough to make my heart feel like it was going to burst. Did you know that is how He died? He died from a broken heart! Some might speculate that it was from the weight of sin that was placed upon Him, or that for the very first time He was to be separated from the Father; I on the other hand think it might have been from His own act of forgiveness, and how He had forgiven the world for nailing Him to the cross. If you really want to explore the glory of God's creation, explore how it was that God created a way for us to receive unwarranted forgiveness, and how Jesus forgave us of our sins, before we even had a chance to ask Him to...

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