Sunday, August 12, 2012

"The Supremacy of God"

"The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave His voice; hail stones and coals of fire." (Psalms 18:13) Have you ever wondered why God placed a flaming sword at the entrance to the garden? The most wonderful God's appearances are in any deliverance, the greater that deliverance is; and in the redeeming work that God has done for man, there was no greater deliverance! The Word of God says, that God's word is something that He holds higher than even His very name; He spoke into creation the heavens and the earth, and from His word came forth life and matter. Within this life and matter that came forth from His mouth, there was something called rules, and everything that has been established by God is governed by rules. We live every day on this planet thankful that God has made the earth's rotation around the sun based upon rules, with the distance remaining the same, and the gravitational pull towards or away never changing. My mom had something that she would always remind me of whenever I tried to make my own rules up around the house, as she would remind me, My house, my rules; letting me know that she sets the rules, because it is her house. This is pretty much how it is with God also; He sets the rules, because He is the Supreme Ruler; being that He is the one who has created everything, and for His glory everything was created by Him, He is the one who has established how everything is to work. Now then; we know that in many cases, a sword is used to describe the Word of God, and that the Word of God is a description placed upon Jesus Christ, for He was the incarnation of God's word, and of God Himself. (John 1:1-18). To define what 'The Word of God' actually means, it requires more time and space then I have available, but to put it in the easiest way possible to understand, is represents His authority over everything created, manifested, or spoken by His voice. In like manner, all that is under His authority can not be altered or changed without coming under His Supreme Judgement; in other words, He must judge it, because it has been taken outside of that which He has established. If we look at the description of the "flaming sword" that was placed at the east entrance to the garden, it was said to be turning in every way; this turning has several different meaning or applications, but primarily it was tuning to keep the way, or to protect the tree of life. Another reason for that sword to be turning in every way, is because God's word shall not be overturned; for as God had said in His very words, "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die", and it was not God that caused them to die, but sin in being disobedient to the Word of God, which was what God had established at the time of creation. It was not God's choice that man should die, but man's choice to disobey God's rule of the garden, which was, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die". The only way that God could overturn His own word, was by sending His Word in the form of Jesus Christ, in order to establish a way for man to have life again...

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