Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Learning To Be Humble" -3

"For by Thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall." (Psalms 18:29) Yes, it is true that we have free will, and that God has given this free will that we might freely love and worship Him; however, God commands our worship and our love!!! There is just no other way to say it; His love for us commands that we love Him back; that is the type of love that we must have for God, not just our tepid love that is based upon emotion and how we feel at any given moment; but a love that is on fire and keeps hungering for fuel to continue to burn. It is one thing to say that we love God and that we love one another, but it is all together something different to prove it. God has proved His love for us, which He did by sending His Son to die in our place; now we must prove our love for Him. The biggest lesson that we have to learn when it comes to humility, is that without Him living in us, we cannot love the way He loves; nor can we even begin to love Him the way that His love commands. We could use sin as the example of what I am talking about; whereas, some might think within themselves,'I could never be like that sinner'; and then find themselves in a worst situation down the road. It is pretty much the same when it comes to our love for God; whereas, we think that there is nothing that can pull our hearts away from loving Him, and then we find ourselves loving our own honor or pride more than we love Him. Somehow, somewhere, deep in the night I saw this verse giving reference to what I am trying to say. I had a thought in my mind at that time, that I was meant to reach for a pen and paper and take notes, but instead continued to lay there trying to get back to sleep. The vision that I saw was that of a sprinter, running through an army that represented all the cares and sinful lusts of this world; and as this sprinter ran through this army, the army was well aware of his presence, for their heads turned immediately towards him as he ran by; but the sprinter was not touched in any way by the army that he ran through it. This illustration can only be about the amazing power that God gives us to overcome the world; but the power is not from us, which is the main point that we must learn in this new life that we have been given. Any and all power that we have is of God; not of ourselves! We live in a fallen world; a world that is broken because of the power of sin, which corrupts and destroys; and we might be new creatures, but we are still creatures of habit, in a habitat of sin; but as we abide in Christ, and His Spirit dwells within us, we are over comers of all that surrounds us; and without Him we can do nothing to stop those troops from turning against us. As far as leaping over a wall, that means pretty much what is says; that by God, the wall of sin is no challenge for us to get over; but without God, we are stuck trying to find a way around it. Good luck trying to do that, because that wall is thick, long, and continues to grow as you try to find the end. We must come to a point where we surrender everything to God; not just the sin in our lives, but the battle that we have trying to defeat that sin must also be surrendered over to Him; because it is only by His strength that we are going to be able to win that battle... "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:12 & 13)

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