Friday, August 17, 2012

"God's Protective Staff"

"They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay." (Psalms 18:18) Some of the things that the Lord will let us go through we will only have answers for when we are standing before Him in glory; while others, are things by which we have answers for others who are going through those same things. Regardless of what we have gone through or have lived through on our journey towards the cross, I believe that everything was approved by our Heavenly Father beforehand, that we should be right where we were when we surrendered our lives to Him. For some, it took a very small step to reach the foot of the cross; while for others, it took great suffering and loss to reach that point of surrender; some, it could be said, may have appeared to be damned forever. But no matter how far we wandered, or how much we resisted His love for us, He never let go of us, and He never let us go further than He wanted us to go. It might be hard for some to accept this notion of God's deliverance being planned in our lives; mostly because of the fact that we have free will to accept or reject His offer of salvation; but God knows His children, and He knows who they are, long before they even know that they are His children! To me, this speaks of such great power and wisdom on the part of our Heavenly Father, and His great love that waits for us with such patience, beyond that which we deserve or even should be allowed. But because of His great love for us, He will wait for us to get to that point where we surrender our lives completely to Him. I know that there are some who might disagree with the notion that God will allow us to go to the very edge of destruction, because I have spoken to people that do not think that God is that involved in our lives; but I believe He is, and that we who are His children, He is in control of where it is that we shall end up! Everything that happens to His children, before they realize that they are His children, is only measured as the journey that they have taken to the cross; some minor, and some are way beyond belief; but regardless of their journey, they all end up sitting at His feet! "The greater the difficulties are that lie in the way of deliverance the more glorious the deliverance is..."

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