Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Being Free From Death"

"The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid." (Psalms 18:4) If you have ever tried to share what it is like to no longer fear death with someone who is not a believer, then you will no doubt know that they will usually say that they don't believe you cannot fear the unknown; thus, they are basically saying that they do not believe you when you say that you are not afraid to die. Having tasted the peace that comes in knowing what death will mean to us, and how it will be for us having victory over death, based upon what the Bible says, and what we know to be true in our own hearts, it is pretty much impossible to share that taste we have been given, with someone else: it is something that they must taste for themselves. If ever there was a real definition of casting our pearls among the swine, then getting into a serious discussion with an unbeliever about not being afraid of death might be one of them. More times than not, I have walked away from that discussion feeling as though I am questioning what I really believe, more than feeling I had made my point. It's not that I have any doubt in the eternal life that I have been given in Christ, because I know what I believe, and I know that it is so; but talking to an unbeliever about certain things can made me remember how I once believed myself, making me question what I now know to be true. I believe that this is also true in the study of what false religions teach, as we might think it is good to study what they teach so that we can speak and share knowledgeably with them about their false religion. I have learned that it is best to stick to the truth; making the truth what we fill our heart and mind with, and leaving the false teaching for those in false religions to study. I give Paul's wisdom on what we must dwell upon the credit for my awakening to this point, as he says in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." In other words; we should not waste our time thinking upon those things that are not true, honest, just, lovely, or of good report; especially if there is not virtue and praise involved with what we are dwelling upon. Having said that; there are many things that are acceptable to think about which do not fall into that list of things to think about; which are the things that God has delivered us from; for it is good to remember that from which we came, and the mighty hand of God that was used to bring us out of that destruction and death. 'The more imminent and threatening the danger was out of which we were delivered, the greater is the mercy of the deliverance'...

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