Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"The Sovereignty of God" -2

"Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at Thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Thy nostrils." (Psalms 18:15) I do not pretend to understand all the great mysteries of God; nor do I even try to understand how it is that some people see the truth and believe, while others hear the same truth and then harden their hearts. This is a matter to be settled between the individual and God; and settled it shall be on the day of reckoning. Every man and woman is responsible for their own salvation and how they receive or reject the testimony of Jesus Christ. With that said, there is something to the idea of God's direct selection of those that are His children and those that are not. This is something that has much to do with His Sovereignty and His All Knowing power to predestine those that are His, and to call them into His kingdom. I can look back to my own awakening to the truth as an example of how it is that this might work; and how it was for me to open up my heart and receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Whether it was by His grace, or by His great mercy; whichever it was, at that moment in which He was revealed to me, it was as if all that had blinded me had been removed, and for the very first time I could see Him for who He was, and could make a choice based upon the truth revealed to me in that instant. There is some pretty deep subject matter that is exposed within this verse, and it has to do with how God reveals Himself to those whom He chooses to reveal Himself to. Interesting enough, not all will see the truth when it is revealed, and not all will even be able to see it, even if they were willing to try. I am sure that there were some who walked away from the movement taking place in the early church when Ananias and Sapphira were killed for lying to God; but many also were added because of it, and by seeing the power of God at work, both by miracles and by judgement. The way that I see it, the purpose for God doing what He did, was not to punish that man and his wife for trying to be deceptive, but it was to show others the seriousness of what was happening within the church. Some took it to be something that was too serious, and they walked away in fear for their own lives and what might happen to them; while some, seeing the majesty of God, were drawn closer and deeper into the ministry, because they saw the Sovereignty of God being manifested before their very eyes. I see the meaning of "the channels of water" being the thread that is woven throughout God's word that is there to show His redemptive plan for mankind. There is no doubt in my mind that it is God's doing that opens the eyes of the blind to be able to see the Divine plan, and the mysteries that connect God's plan with His results. We can see this brought to life in Paul's writings, as he involves the things he had learned from his youth about the Old Testament teachings, and brings them to life in New Testament truths; all of which was only made possible by the Spirit dwelling inside of him and showing him those truths. And the "foundations of the world" are those things which only God can reveal, and by which man can only see upon God opening his eyes to the truth; which David here describes as God's rebuke of the hidden things; which goes back to the things that were spoken in verse eleven about how God hides Himself and makes secret who He is and how He operates. But at the blast of His breath from His nostrils, He makes His secrets known to those that He has chosen; which is by His Holy Spirit. This word that is used for "rebuke" is an interesting word that means 'reproof'; which is actually a curse to some and a blessing to others. That is what the truth of God is; for to some it is an offense and pushes them away from God; while to others, it is the way to eternal life. When God reveals His truth, we have two options: to choose life, or to choose death... "And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way of death." (Jeremiah 21:8)

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