Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Drawing Close To God" -2

"With the pure Thou wilt show Thyself pure; and with the froward Thou wilt show Thyself froward." (Psalms 18:26) Now we have an example given of two opposite directions towards God; unlike yesterday's verse which there were two directions of those properties of character, today we see opposite directions in a relationship with God. One speaks of drawing closer to God by being pure, while the other speaks of drawing away from God by being devious. With the man that is pure, he draws closer to God naturally because of the pureness of his heart. In the meaning of the word for pure, is the idea of being purified, polished, selected, or chosen; with the whole idea that meaning of being separated unto God and having the desire to show oneself pure before God. Going back to what I closed with yesterday, and that thing about having the foreknowledge to need forgiveness again; that was a mention to making provision for sin to take place in our lives; something that Paul speaks about in Romans 13:14, by saying, "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof". It is impossible to be pure when holding onto sin, and making provision for the flesh is making room in our hearts to commit sin down the road; which is, in and of itself, holding onto a sin that we look forward to taking part in. Another meaning for pure is to purge, or to purge out, which is to purify; there is no doubt that are sins are not all purged out if we are still holding sin within our heart. As with the character of God's love, when we are pure in heart, then He will show Himself pure to us; meaning that He will make us pure by purging out our sins and purifying us. This is similar to what happen to Isaiah while in the presence of the LORD; when he discovered that he had unclean lips, the coal from the alter before God was placed upon his lips, and he was made whole. Primarily, it is all about our desire to be pure before Him; beyond that, it is that He makes us pure. Now then; as far as the froward man; he is a man that is deceitful of crooked; a man that is perverse of mind and twisted, to whom God will show Himself as shrewd or unsavory. What that actually means is that God will be disagreeable with the way that man has chosen to be; and consequently, that man will be discontent with the choices that God has given him. That is pretty much what happens to us when we want to hold onto any sin in our lives; we find ourselves distancing ourselves away from God; not because we do not want God in our lives, but that we are naturally drawn away by our own devices. Therefore; if we really desire to draw close to God, then we must desire to be pure before Him. If our desire to be pure is sincere, then we will not make any allowance for sin in our lives; and if there is anything within us that we have rooting out, God is more than faithful to help us get rid of it...

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