Thursday, August 30, 2012

"God's Mighty Hand"

"As for God, His way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him." (Psalms 18:30) As I was thinking about how important this verse is for understanding our humility before the God that created us, knows us through and through, and who holds our very life within His hands, I thought that it deserves at least three days of examination. Each and everyone of us, whether we were saved in our youth, saved as an adult, or saved towards the end of life, all have something that has been given to us that is worth more than anything else this world has to offer. We know that, and hopefully, we show it in our manner of living; but with all sincerity, I think we could do so much better! As for me, I think I could be more excited about this great gift that I have been given, and make each new person that I meet another person to introduce to Jesus Christ. Truly, I do believe that is how God would have me to be, but my spirit is willing and my flesh is weak! Thinking about how it was for me when I first accepted Christ into my heart, I was bold and sometimes foolish; making more enemies than I did friends, by trying to persuade anyone that was in my path, that they needed to accept what I had just accepted, or else! It was not a game, or something that I felt was even a calling upon my life; but it was seriously about pulling people from the pit of hell; or at least throwing them a lifeline so that they could pull themselves out when ever they were ready. Then after several years of walking with the Lord, I discovered something that is vitally important to each and everyone of us that are saved, no matter how old we were, or no matter what shape we were in when we accepted God's great gift of salvation: we did not choose God, He was the one who choose us! When it comes to the perfect way of God, His way is complete and free from blemish; therefore, if God has chosen me, then I must realize that He will complete whatever it was that He has chosen me to become. Ideally, we would all rest in God, so that we could allow Him to have His way in us; yet, we are bent on getting things to go our way, or making things happen the way that we feel is best. God is God, and He is to be control for that very reason; because His way is perfect! With that said, I think our most important reaction to what we have been given, is to show others how important it is for us; not making our goal to get them to see the importance for them, but to get them to see the reality of how much we hold onto the the most important thing for us...

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