Monday, August 6, 2012

"God's Mighty Hand"

"Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because He was wroth." (Psalms 18:7) I was reminded of that song by Rich Mullins called, 'Our God Is An Awesome God', and how I would always love to listen to it as I drove to southern California and back almost every month when we first moved here from there. This is not something that God is portrayed as enough, in my opinion; if He were, maybe more people would stop and take notice! But fear is not the force which will capture our hearts!!! It is God's love that is the force which makes us surrender to His might; His mighty force that causes man to fear is the awakening to His presence; but His love is what changes a man's heart. If you look at all the examples throughout the Bible of when God was wroth with His children, the acts of violence that He brought against them were hardly enough to stop them from failing to listen. The things that I would fear the most from being killed by are being eaten and set on fire; not the way I would like to leave this earth! As we are beginning to see such a change in our culture, it is more and more a sign of the times, and a real indication that the end is really nearer than we might think. This last week's example that was given of how intolerant men are to the truth, yet how much they embrace and defend that which is evil, is a real good indicator of where our hearts are being led; primarily our children, who have to listen day in and day out to lectures on being tolerant and how anything that is not should be considered hate. However; God will only tolerate so much, which He has shown over and over in His word. It is wise that we remember this, that is if we really care about the place's which we live, and those values that are instilled upon our children. But why make such a big fuss; if the Lord is coming back soon, just sit back and wait; Right? Wrong; I do not believe that God would have us to remain silent, and to just let evil take control over all that we see as our way of life on this planet. Some may beg to differ, and write it off as the sign of the times; but I do not think we are salt and light if we are not tasty and bright; which means that what we represent must make some sort of a difference in the world around us... 

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