Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Free From Hell's Grip"

"The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me." (Psalms 18:5) Dreams are so hard to interpret, and they surely are harder to explain! Like the one I had last night; it was three parts, and had myself in all three, and involved in some really strange things. The first part was about me and a friend walking under a bridge, and a homeless teenager came out of what appeared to be a trash dumpster, and threatened us for money. I approached him as if I was going to give him money, but then asked him if he knew Jesus, and acted amazed that I would ask him such a thing, and then jumped back into his dumpster. Almost immediately a friend of his showed up, confronting me that I had offended his friend, and my life felt as though it was in danger, so I ran, with my friend telling me which way to run, as we darted through several different neighborhoods. The second part involved what looked like a snowboard which I put on to ride in the back of a pickup truck as it went down the road. The odd part about this part of the dream, is that I think it came from a house that we took shelter in while running from the first scene. I do remember being in a strange house and asking to look in the garage; just as I was stepping into the garage, the main door opened, as if someone had just come home. The next thing I remember, I was standing in the front yard and being handed the snowboard; then getting into the back of the truck, we went down a dirt road with dips and jumps, while I slid back and forth in the bed of the truck on this weird snowboard. The third part took place as we were moving down the road; a road that was divided by what appeared to be an island. On the other side of the road there were different properties, all separated by fences and on these fences were bombs tied to them; as we passed the properties, different people of all sorts were running into the fences and being blown up by the bombs. After about six or more of these chain reactions, which seemed to follow us down the road, we were now running from the law, and being blamed for killing those people. Don't ask me to explain that weirdness, because I have no clue what it meant; but what I can tell you, is that the "sorrows of hell" that David is talking about are real and are associated with hell being in our future. In other words, we are in sorrow of that place because it has a grip upon us and it's power goes beyond that of a place, but goes more to where our soul is destined to rest. It speaks to the power of hell's grip that is there because that is our soul's resting place, and that there is nothing that we can do to change that direction. It is kind of like that dream, where nothing that I did could change the outcome of within the dream, because just as in the beginning I was running for my life, being excused of offending some homeless teenager; in the end, I was running being accused of killing countless people. That is very similar to the grip of hell, and how it has power over the real peace that our soul's are missing out on; peace that is only available from the Prince of Peace, who's name defines that which He brings to us. "The snares of death prevented me", is another way to say, The snares of death go before me; which means that the noose that is tied around my neck is sure to lead to my death, and sooner or later, it will tighten and take it's toll. That is what the opposite of real peace is! Being condemned to hell is the opposite of peace, and there can be no peace for those that are already condemned... "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:16-18) 

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