Monday, August 27, 2012

"Learning To Be Humble"

"For Thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks." (Psalms 18:27) The whole point to knowing God is that we know that He is God; the Almighty God that knows everything, sees everything, and is everywhere; the Eternal God that has no beginning and that has no end; the God of love, who for the sake of this fallen world, gave of Himself to save it. Once we can wrap our simple minds around that truth of God's existence, then we can somewhat begin to properly humble ourselves before Him. The reason that I say somewhat, is because we still have an issue with something called a heart; the heart that must be made new in order to submit to the majesty and holiness of a Loving God. If we really take God at His word, then why do we not act upon that? The "afflicted people" that are saved are those that are humble and lowly; they are that way because of who they are in the presence of God. Nowhere is it possible to be out of God's presence, if indeed God is everywhere; there is just nowhere we can hide from God. Do you see the idea behind this humility? There is a sort of piety that must be associated with this humility, that beckons God to have mercy and to have piety upon our failure to keep our actions in line with His word. On the flip side of being humble, are those that hold themselves up to be something that they are not; letting their pride take them to the place of believing that they are more powerful than they really are. The meaning of "high looks" is one that might take more time to explain beyond this single posting; but it primarily means someone who thinks them self to be more equip for the battle then they really are... "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." (1 Peter 5:6 & 7)

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