"A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things." (Ecclesiastes 10:19 KJV)
"Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness. Why let the nations say, "Where is their God?" Our God is in the heavens, and he does as he wishes. Their idols are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and noses but cannot smell. They have hands but cannot feel, and feet but cannot walk, and throats but cannot make a sound. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them." (PSALM 115:1-8 NLT)
There is something about idols which can be hard to acknowledge, because they are part of what makes us what we are, without even knowing that we have actually made ourselves an idol. I know that might sound a little confusing to think about, but even our families can become an idol, if that is what we make it out to be.
When the Bible says that everything belongs to God, it isn't just talking about all the physical things that we can see and touch; it also includes the things we plan and prepare for; our livelihood, our finances, and even our families. If you haven't realized that by now, then you should ask yourself about the amount of stuff you brought into this life and then show what it is you will take with you when you leave. I am willing to bet that the answer is absolutely nothing!
This morning, I woke up and turned on my favorite news segment, "Fox and Friends First," which airs from 2am to 3am pacific time. Most of the time it highlights things which most reporters will stay away from, which is the reason I like watching them so much. This morning, they were sharing a little secret that Elon discovered, something about a special mineshaft where Government records are kept; actually, in manilla-envelopes; records of retirees from the Government.
Apparently, according to some of the records, there are retirees that are still alive at the age of 150 years old. Which is really hard to believe; but when it comes to the Government, anything is possible: Not! I really am looking forward to what takes place today! How did it come to pass that we the people are the ones that work for the government, when it was meant to be the other way around: the government is to have been working for us?
With that, I will ask something which I feel is simple to see: Can you imagine what might be going on in this world right now, if Trump hadn't won the election? If you listen to the Pastors that have the right sense, this is God's way of saying, "Last Call!" We are only righting a sinking ship!
By the way, I was given the honor, (or should I say the duty,) of being stationed in Port-Steering during our General-Quarters drills, on an aircraft carrier, to say the least. Do you know what that station is and what it represents? We are the last ones to leave; if we are even allowed to leave at all, because we go down with the ship! Four men that are there to keep that ship turning in a two-mile radius, while everyone else abandons the ship.
Think of it this way: If the things didn't stop, for this small window of time, most of our churches would have had to either convert to being Woke or shut their doors. That doesn't mean it won't still happen, because it most likely will. But it surely won't happen on the Trump watch! Today is a time to start saving your families: God is giving everyone the "Last Call" chance...
"As they were walking along, someone said to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you go." But Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head." He said to another person, "Come follow me." The man agreed, but he said, "Lord, first let me return home and bury my father." But Jesus told him, "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God." Another said, "Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say goodbye to my family." But Jesus told him, "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."" (Luke 9:57-62 NLT)
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