Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"Living for Jesus!"

"Wow to thee, O land, when they king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!" (Ecclesiastes 10:16 KJV)

  "What sorrow for those who drag their sins behind them with ropes made of lies, who drag wickedness behind them like a cart! They even mock God and say, "Hurry up and do something! We want to see what you can do. Let the Holy One of Israel carry out his plan, for we want to know what it is."" (Isaiah 5:18-19 NLT)

 Before you judge me for something that might not seem relevant or in context with this Scripture, try and think about what it actually means to be Living for Jesus; because there is more to this than just trying to be good, or hoping to not fall or stumble. Those who live to serve the Lord are those who are usually going to be judged and hated, because there are more people that will be offended by His servants, then there are those that feel comfort and joy, if they are actually preaching. 

 The more I think about this, the more it makes for something to talk about. How often we hope to see God's power put to work, yet hope that it doesn't shape or change us, personally? And if it looks like it will, we find any excuse to make our way to the door! 

 I wish there was a way to undo certain things that I have done; but there is nothing that is possible to change my sins and turn them into good works. But I know someone that can; but in order to make that happen, He must be Lord of my life, from morning to morning, every single day and night! If you get right down to it, there really isn't a holiday or time off, for the servant of the Lord! 

 As far as those four faces that represent whatever they represent, they surely represent the Lord: but at the same time, just as they represented the tribes of Israel, they also represent us, those who are the children of God; those of us that are trying to be like Christ, will experience being the man, the ox, the lion, and the eagle. 

 Where do you think the name, "Christian," first originated from? We don't always get what God might want us to do, but we should always get what God expects us to do...

"What can we bring to the LORD? What kind of offering should we give him? Should we bow before God with offerings of yearling calves? Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins? No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:6-8 NLT)  

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