Monday, February 3, 2025

"Resting in Jesus" - 2

 "The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city." (Ecclesiastes 10:15 KJV) 

  ""Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink - even if you have no money! Come, take you choice of wine or milk - it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food."" (Isaiah 55:1-2 NLT)

 Sometimes we fail to read the Manual, which in this case is The Bible! I don't know about you, but there is meant to be certain things which that are easy to figure out, without having to find out the hard way that you have been going down the wrong road. In the case of this, "city," which the foolish have no clue to find their way there; this is a place that is fortified and safe, a high tower of refuge and strength, not a place of worry and fear.

 How many times have you worried about your situation, as if it is something that God can't help you through? Or what do you think about when your life seems to be going the wrong way? Where do you go the find the right way, and how hard do you think you must work to find it? 

 There was a time when I really felt as though I could learn how the let go, without thinking about where it would take me, or how it might look like when God catches my fall; or if He even would! Sometimes we just need to surrender! Or as my pastor of 1989 once said, "Sometimes, we just need to learn how to drown!" 

 I feel as though there is something I am missing, something about this message which goes from speaking of plural foolish ones, to that of a singular context. Could be that the foolish are double-minded and just spinning in circles trying to find rest? Maybe it might have four different sides, like Ezekiel's vision of four cherubim had four faces, one was the face of ox, then the face of a man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. They seemed to move as though they had no pattern, but when they moved, the wheels moved, and when they stopped, the wheels also stopped. 

 When the children of Israel were moving through the wilderness, they had four flags that had this same illustration; each flag had one of these same creatures, which represented the particular tribes and their formations. Interestingly enough, the four Gospels have the same representation; all of which have the faces, as it is also in Revelation.

 Whatever this means, I am sure one day it will be easy to understand; but until that day comes, we must focus upon Jesus and totally surrender to whatever He has for us to do: If it isn't down through Christ, it really won't be of much worth...

"So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun!" (2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NLT)  

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