Sunday, August 25, 2024

"Finishing Well"

 "Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to the same place." (Ecclesiastes 6:6 KJV)

  "And he did not enter heaven to offer himself again and again, like the high priest here on earth who enters the Most Holy Place year after year with the blood of an animal. If that had been necessary, Christ would have had to die again and again, ever since the world began. But now, once for all time, he has appeared at the end of the age to remove sin by his own death as a sacrifice. And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, so also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him." (Hebrews 9:25-28 NLT

 Not to misinterpret what was being said, but if we are allowing Jesus to be Lord of our lives, then what happens when or if we fall away? Is He still not our Lord if we have drifted away or gotten ourselves in some sort of life, we just don't seem we can escape from? If you belong to Christ, you belong to Christ forever! If you don't belong to Christ, then you never really did, because you were following Him for the wrong reason. 

 However, the subject of who gets into Heaven, although there are many who seem disqualified or unworthy, even Judas might, even though he hung himself for having betrayed the Lord. I'm just saying, we have no idea who makes it or who doesn't; we are only responsible for our own salvation, all the way to the very end! 

 Besides all of that, rigmarole, in the very end, every knee will bow, confessing Jesus is Lord! Talk about finishing well! God has a plan which He has planned all along: To have fellowship with us! In this world, we are born separated from Him, because we are born in sin; but once we have accepted His free gift of salvation, we are born again, in fellowship with Him. What God has joined together, no one can tear it apart! 

 My prayer for anyone that might doubt your salvation, is that you consider one very serious question, and make sure that you are right: Are you truly willing to die for Christ? I know it sounds hard to believe that is even possible, given that Peter thought he could but ended up denying Jesus three times; but that was before Jesus rose again; which was a real game-changer! 

 Do you believe He rose again? If so, then you must also believe that you will also! Even though this body might get destroyed, as everyone else that dies on this earth; we rise again with a new body that will be eternal, undefiled, and indestructible...

"For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in the one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."" (Galatians 5:13-14 NLT)

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