Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 "And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?" (John 10:20 KJV)

  "Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people." (Isaiah 53:8 NLT)

 Be well aware, if you go against the flow, you will be outnumbered and looked upon unjustly! It is just the way it is, because there are more that go with the flow then there are those that don't. Basically, it is easier to just do what everyone else does, and not be the odd one, that one that doesn't quite fall in line with everyone else.

 I heard a caller yesterday that was really concerned about her church, as she saw them starting to do odd things that didn't quite line up with Scripture. She said that she felt the Spirit inside of her speak that this was wrong, but if she spoke out in opposition, she was being told that she was quenching the Spirit. 

 There is really a very big move among many churches to embrace this current culture of tolerance, as if that is what it should be called. That is not the issue that she faced; but the issue she faced was not too far off from the same. One issue is dealing with the physical ecstasy, while the other deals with the spiritual type; neither one will draw anyone closer to God! 

 If you think that I am wrong, it will not offend me, in the least. I think I gave up caring what others think of what I say, quite a long time ago! If I really cared what others might think or say, then I might have quit by now; but this isn't for me, which is why I made it public to begin with.

 If you really want to know how it feels to be outnumbered, then imagine what it feels like to have most of the people around you say that you are out of sorts. Most of them don't mean any harm, because they tell me right to my face: "Not too many people would do what you do." I totally agree, because I have seen and heard the opposition; and they can be very ugly! 

 I actually had a nurse staying next to me in an RV park, on a golf course. I told her my situation, and her and her husband told me they were both Christians and that they would pray for me and my wife. The next day, I wanted to relax and try to get nine holes in. So, I asked her if she wouldn't mind watching my wife for a few hours while I golfed, and that I would even pay her for her trouble.

 What she said in her answer really cut me to the core! I have been asked questions, like, "Can she communicate with you?" "Does she know your voice?" "Do you think she will get better?"; many more that seem caring and compassionate, in their own way. But, to say: "What is it with you? Do you just want to cuddle?" 

 A hug would be nice...

"Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God: if pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant." (Galatians 1:10 NLT) 


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