Monday, June 24, 2019

"His Portion"

"Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." (Psalms 127:3)

  Maybe you have been blessed with many children; if so, you have to understand that those are also the property of the LORD; they are gifts of God that are placed in your care, gifts with limits! This is something that I feel the world is totally against; and that we have grown accustom to not only letting our guard down when it comes to raising our children in the wisdom and strength of the LORD, but we have turned much of their training over to the powers to be; powers that have been taken over and are ran by the ruler of this world, none other than the devil. If you doubt me, check it out for yourself. The truth is plain to see, as our children are being turned against God and all that is considered holy and true, anything associated with their Creator, and all that is good in the eyes of God. It's not all bad, because there are several pockets of faithful believers in areas all over the world. Praise the Lord for that! But you have got to understand what we are up against, because the majority of those around us will take the world's point of view. On the brighter side of life, we are called to make disciples, so guess what that means to the believers that are blessed with lots of kids: You have your own personal church! I am so blessed to be able to see some of this first hand, as I get to visit homes where I get to witness this in real life. Families where there are 5, 6, 7, or more children; all of which are taught from the Bible, first and foremost! All the other curriculum is secondary, because the Bible comes first. They are smart and disciplined, eager to help around the house, and very polite to strangers; believe me, I know because I have seen this first hand. They don't know me from Adam, and I am only there to inspect the house; but they have a certain quality that speaks a great testimony of what it means to be God's portion, children that are dedicated to the Lord...

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

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