Saturday, June 8, 2019

"God Surrounds His People"

PSALMS 125 [A Song of degrees.]

  Where can you go, that God is not with you? It might be about that; and then again, it might be more about the hiding place we have in the loving arms of God. As I was saying, regarding God's protection of His people, He knows who we are way before we even have the chance to make our choice for Him. If there is any other way to explain it, this is more about filling the void, not only us having that God shaped void filled in us, but we fill the place notched in Him. I really don't know how else to explain it, because there is always a place there for those that are chosen to be there; the place is and always has been established, by God. This is not Calvinism, this is not about no freedom of choice; this is about God already knowing who you are and where you are in His plans for you, eternally. We, on the other hand, know nothing about anything; we can only pray for mercy and have hope that we make all the right choices. Even then, if we are His property, the wrong choices that we might make, are not always the wrong choices, that we make; as crazy as that might sound. I guess the best way we can illustrate this, without getting too far outside the margins, is to examine David's life. Was he a perfect man? By all means, no! Yet in God's eye, he was His perfect man to illustrate His plans for His people; to show how His mercy works, and to demonstrate how grace ignores failure and defeat. To put this in another light, we can imagine that the Light is manifested in the darkness; the darkness being us and our unrighteousness, the Light being God and His holiness. That is pretty much the picture I was looking for: God surrounds His people with His Light...

"That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ." (Ephesians 1:10-12)

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