Tuesday, June 25, 2019

"All in the Family"

"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth." (Psalms 127:4)

  Yada Yada; as some might imply. What does love have to do with this? I'm sorry, I thought I made it clear in the beginning, this is surely about Family; to be more precise, One Big Safe and Secure Family! We are the house, our family is the house, even the church is the house; if God is not the Builder of this house, they labor in vain that build it! This includes those precious children; the younger the better! Seriously, if we don't start teaching them young, they surely might not see the big picture; that picture being the Creator that made them and keeps them. My mom might have messed up in some areas, but instructing me about the fact that I was created by God, was surely not one of them. I know I shared this before, but it was I think 5th grade or so, as I walked into school the first day of the new school year; the first thing I noticed on the wall over the chalkboard was this stupid poster that showed man evolving from a monkey. The second thing I noticed was another poster on the wall by the door that was the cover of the Beetles Abby Road album. I instantly rejected the notion of having evolved from a monkey; I thought it was the stupidest thing that I had ever heard, and I made sure to let the teacher know what I thought. I went over to his desk and flipped the globe on his deck upside down, just to demonstrate how I felt about it. The Beetles poster made more sense than that stupid monkey poster; and I didn't even know what it was trying to say! Long story short: We are made in the image of God! Do you know what it means to be loved by the God that created you? It means more than anything else in this stupid world! If that Beetle poster meant anything, it most likely was showing the deaths created by this other stupid poster; society had just crossed the street from life to death! More than just our Father, our God is our security and the one that keeps us; whether life gives us tragedy or seclusion, we always have someone to call out to! Do you know how many countless lives have been taken, just over that one simple fact? I know that for a fact, because if it had not been for my ability to cry out to God, based upon my belief in Him, I would have taken my own life a long time ago. This is more than just about "arrows," whether they mean weapons or the actual archers; this is about the Family of God, and you know Who's you are and where you came from, and most importantly, where you will end up...

""My people have been lost sheep. Their shepherds have led them astray and turned them loose in the mountains. They have lost their way and can't remember how to get back to the sheepfold. All who found them devoured them. Their enemies said, 'We did nothing wrong in attacking them, for they have sinned against the LORD, their true place of rest, and the hope of their ancestors.' "But now, flee from Babylon! Leave the land of the Babylonians! Like male goats at the head of the flock, lead my people home again. For I am raising an army of great nations in the north. They will join forces to attack Babylon, and she will be captured. The enemies' arrows will go straight to the mark; they will not miss! Babylonia will be looted until the attackers are glutted with loot. I, the LORD, have spoken!"" (Jeremiah 50:6-10) NLT

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