Sunday, September 23, 2018


"I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people, in the courts of the LORD'S house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD." (Psalms 116:18-19)

 Having something to recommit our lives to is not just important, it is necessary. I recall a time when I seriously felt like throwing in the towel on my business. I kept a small red rag in my office, usually in my top drawer of my desk. Every time I felt fed up with my business, I would wear that red rag hanging out of my back left pocket, to illustrate how much I wish that I was just pumping gas at a service station, and not being overburdened by trying to run a business. Marianne always knew what it represented, but most of the employees did not. She usually would try to encourage me and figure out a way for me to get my heart back into the game; but this one time, she did not. As a matter of fact, she did just the opposite, telling me that I needed to fire everyone and do it all by myself. Remind you of anything? If you are familiar with Israel's wilderness journey, there was a point during the journey when God told Moses to step aside, let Him destroy these complainer's, and that He would start a new nation through him. It was a point in Moses' ministry when he fell in love with those people who had been complaining to him, and for the first time he realized that they were like children needing to be cared for and taught; they were his family! As for me, that point in time was a small turning point in my business; as I moved my office to another place in the building, from that of the administrative area, to the area where my salesmen and crew were located. I also hired a Human Resource company to administer all of my payroll and benefits packages; making my wife and I like one of the employees instead of the owners. I believe God was all over that change, because less than two years later my wife had her surgery, and had it not been for that, she would not have received her disability insurance and would have not been on a medical plan. God does watch over us; and He always knows what is best...

"And the king turned his face, and blessed the whole congregation of Israel: and all the congregation of Israel stood. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he spake with his mouth to my father David, saying, Since the day that I brought my people out of the land of Egypt I chose no city among all the tribes of Israel to build an house in, that my name might be there; neither chose I any man to be a ruler over my people Israel: but I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel."
(2 Chronicles 6:3-6) KJV

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