Friday, August 10, 2018

"The One True God"


 To start with, this Psalm is positioned between the Psalm that celebrates the Passover and a Psalm that speaks of us being rescued from death. Matthew Henry points out that some translations have these Psalms together as one, but that in the original Hebrew writings, this Psalm is all by itself. If you consider the implications of both of those descriptions, the effort is only natural to have a need to keep our focus on the fact that God does not like to share His glory with idols. Whether these are blended together or apart, this is all one Book, with each and every verse, chapter, and book being ordained and inspired by God. The title above is again the Title that is written above this Psalm by the Editor of my Bible. How it is that a child of God gets into idol worship, is something that happens slowly and without really trying. As a matter of fact, it is usually that they lack keeping their focus upon the right things to do, that let them get involved in the wrong things, whatever that idol might be to them. The easiest way I think it can be said, is an idol is anything that is in our life which we give life to, and that directs our lives, other than God. That is not the only way to illustrate it, but it is the easiest way to see how it works. Most people will say that an idol is anything that we place between us and God; which is also very true and easy to see, provided you have not somehow blended the two together; then it gets more difficult to determine where the between starts and ends. I think it is best to just stick to the Bible as the authentic Word of God, each and every word of it. You cannot go wrong if you just let God's word determine right and wrong, because He is always right...

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17) KJV

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