Wednesday, August 1, 2018

"A Song for the Passover Feast"


 Moving on, this Psalm is exactly what the title says that it is, a song that is sung to remember and celebrate, not only that God delivered His people from bondage, but that the elements of the earth obeyed and trembled at His name. It is easy for us forget what it was like to be delivered; the children of Israel quickly forgot, but they remembered the Red Sea parting, the Jordan driven back, the mountain quacking and thundering with God's voice, and the water pouring forth from the rock. What an amazing and powerful God we serve, that of all the things He does, the most important part is the part that we forget the most, put that does not stop Him from claiming us as His children! As I thought about this Psalm yesterday, I was reminded about a message that I heard, I believe it was from Pastor Matt; where he spoke about the explicit instructions the children of Israel were given about what to do inside of their houses. Yet, it was the blood on the door-post that mattered most, their doors were closed, and what they did inside was only for themselves; it was only for them to do, that they would be participating in what was going to happen. Not that they had to do whatever they were instructed to do to be saved, because it was blood that saved them; but that they would be a part of the Passover, by performing something specific, instead of hiding or taking cover inside of their houses. It could be much like the work that God does in our own hearts; the salvation is only from the blood of Jesus, but the participation in that salvation takes place in our hearts. It is not by what we do, because that was never looked at, but it is that we participated by yielding to His word...

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:17) KJV

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