Friday, August 31, 2018

"I Will Call on God"

"Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live." (Psalms 116:2)

 Isn't this the proof in the pudding? We have such a good Father, who not only knowns our name, but actually takes the time to listen to our heart. The word "inclined" is speaking about how God will actually stretch out to listen, like putting His hand up to His ear, just so He can give me His direct attention. This is the kind of personal God we have, because He is big enough and powerful enough to give each and everyone of His children the same personal attention. That makes me feel safe and secure! Where else can I go, but to my Father's arms? As with the previous verse, we don't just love God because He hears us, we love God because He loves us; so too, we can call upon Him because He listens, and listening is a part of loving us. You can't really say you love someone if you do not listen to them. No, this is seriously something that is a thing. Maybe the biggest problem in family relationships today is taking the time to listen to one another. Not just hearing, but actually inclining our ear to listen to their heart; to actually catch the sight of what the heck they are trying to say. If you don't take the time to listen, then they won't take the time to talk! I don't think I have a problem in that area with God, because I know He listens, so I actually feel the need to talk...

"But I will call on God, and the LORD will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice." (Psalms 55:16-17) NLT

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