Sunday, July 15, 2018

"Our Resemblance" -2

"He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour." (Psalms 112:9)

 Say what you will, but when it comes to following Jesus, giving is a pretty big part. I was reminded of something the other day, while listening to Dr. Chuck. He mentioned the parable of the buried treasure and beautiful pearl, and that it was He Himself that He was speaking of; He sold all that He had to purchase us. Some people really don't think that they have much to offer, whether it is money or gifts of ministry; but God has given even the poorest and most untalented of us the ability to serve Him, if we would just make ourselves available. I believe that 99% of ministry happens by just showing up! The whole point of "Romans Road" is that the preacher needs to show up; thus it is a road in several different ways. I can recall the very first teaching that I put together. It was from John 4:4, and it was pretty much all about one word, "must." The lesson was given to High School students; but like with most teachings, the message was for me. God sends people all the time, whether or not they actually go, that is totally up to them; but those that do show up and make themselves available, He will use their lives to make a difference. The title I have chosen for this verse is taken from one of the meanings I received from the word "horn." It is taken to mean a symbol of power and strength, or to increase power and dignity. It can also be used in a bad sense, as to 'toot one's own horn,' which would be someone that is boastful or arrogant. When it comes to following Jesus, it is Jesus that we are to be lifting up, not ourselves. The power and strength all comes from Him, we can do nothing of any real value on our own; and even what we do that is outside of Christ will perish and fall away, but everything we do that in Christ will remain forever and ever. Talk about buried treasure and a very beautiful pearl...

"You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9) NLT

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