Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Without Restraints"

"Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children." (Psalms 109:12)

 This is a two way street, I hope you know. I am trying so hard to keep this positive, yet the harder I try, the more I get convicted and feel guilty for my weakness and insecurities. I will purpose a question to myself and include anyone who wants to try to answer: What is holding you back? To be perfectly clear, the reason that this is a two way street, is that we are empowered in two different directions. Yes, we have the power of God's Spirit living inside of us, but the Holy Spirit will not force us to do anything; He guides us, He will encourage us, He will embolden us, He will even love others through us; but these are all things that we allow Him to do, we must be willing vessels. There are things in our life that cause us to not be as willing as we should be, to not give in as much as we should or could. The other side of this weakness, is that sin leads to more sin; the more we sin, the easier it is to sin again. It pretty much goes back to my reason for not missing a morning with this blog, because I know that if I do, I will miss again, and again; pretty soon, after many misses, I will just not even bother posting at all. But as it is, you keep me accountable to show up every morning and at least say something; whether or not it makes any sense, that is up to the power of the Holy Spirit and who it is that He is speaking to; I pray each morning that He speaks to me. If I could treat sin the way that I treat my commitment to do this blog every day, I might feel empowered to be more bold in my faith. That is what sin does, it restrains us and causes us to feel guilty; as much as we would like to feel forgiveness, if we have sin in our lives the forgiveness is not real. God might have forgiven us already, but we don't feel the power of His forgiveness, not as we should, not with the sin in our lives, and desire to sin again. Does anyone else know what I am talking about? Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I feel that there is nothing within me to restrain me from sinning...

""In that day, sing about the fruitful vineyard. I, the LORD, will watch over it, watering it carefully. Day and night I will watch so no one can harm it. My anger will be gone. If I find briers and thorns growing, I will attack them; I will burn them up -unless they turn to me for help. Let them make peace with me; yes, let them make peace with me."" (Isaiah 27:2-5) NLT

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