Saturday, May 12, 2018

"The Big Bounce"

"As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him." (Psalms 109:17)

 If it could get any worse, I don't know how I can try and make it work for the good; it is getting really hard to stay positive with this kind of thinking, maybe I need to change my way of thinking. You know, there is absolutely nothing that we can do that cannot be undone. Simply put, God's mercy and grace has more power than any sin or iniquity that can be done by any single individual; regardless of the kind of person you once were, and regardless of what you might have done. Oh, you might have a few issues to deal with in this life; you might even need to serve time for your crimes; but regardless, God's mercy and grace can be poured out upon you, more than you can contain or use up. I can't help but think of Paul and how he lived out his days upon this earth. Some could look at his life, especially compared to what it was before, and think he was cursed and that God had quit blessing him. Forced to live as a vagabond, constantly not knowing from where his next resting place would be, or sometimes not even knowing where he might be fed; it could have looked liked a curse, if someone did not know Paul's heart and his mission. To read some of his letters that he wrote from prison, it was important for him to share that his bonds were not in vain; even making mention of the fact that he was truly free, even in his chains. Seriously, what matters most, to be blessed by God or by the world? Obviously there is a price to be paid for what we do in this life; you can't commit a crime and not pay some sort of penalty for what you have done. But when it comes to eternal security and a right standing with God, no punishment or sentence dished out by this world can take that away. Some might submit this to be spoken of about the Jewish leaders that persecuted Jesus; those that cursed Him as He was lifted up on the cross; those that refused to see or delight in the blessing that God pouring out upon the earth. No doubt, Paul, who once was called Saul, was a member of that group. How interesting it is that the Lord changes people's names. Strange as it is, with the exception of a couple, they never get called by their old name again...

"Consume them in thy wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah." (Psalms 59:13) KJV

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