Sunday, August 27, 2017

"Linked Together as One"

"Whoso privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off: him that hath a high look and a proud heart will not I suffer." (Psalms 101:5)
One thing you will not see much of in my Bible is highlighted Scriptures; there are some, but they do not show up as you might think. This Scripture is highlighted green, which was from a certain period of time when I was using a green and a pink highlighter; green was for doing what mattered most, while pink was for the things to avoid at all cost. Believe it or not, but that phase maybe lasted about a couple of days. When I came to James chapter one and 1 Peter chapter two, things got a little bit messy in my Bible and I decided to stop. I think I heard this same message at least three times last week, as some of the teachings are the same message throughout the week, depending on which pastor is teaching. It was a little blurb about slander and how we can even slander a person by telling the truth. I was always under the understanding that slander was making false statements about someone, so I was a little confused by the statement. But, if your intention is to accuse someone of something, then even though you might be telling the truth, your judgment is still considered to be slander. Who are we to judge? Jesus tells us that we should not judge, or else we will be judged, and the judgment by which we judge, we shall be judged by. (Matthew 7:1-2) Right below this highlighted verse in my Bible I have written 1 Corinthians 1. When this took place, might have been right around the time when Pastor Burt stepped down and Pastor Bryan became the Senior Pastor at our church. It was a very testing time, especially for Pastor Bryan; going from the High School Pastor to the Senior Pastor was not accepted by everyone, and there were some that just could not accept it at all. But I remember seeing the change take place in him, almost instantly. Pastor Burt would sometimes have a last minute cancelation of him showing up for church, so Pastor Bryan was the one who seemed to step in from time to time. Seeing that he had already prepared a message, although it was intended for teens, nonetheless, he had a message. But after the mantel was passed, the messages became anointed and more full of knowledge and wisdom. There was no doubt in my heart that he was right where God wanted him to be. Here is the thing that I believe God is speaking into my heart, in that we are blessed to blessed by God, so we need to bless others. We bless people in many ways, but talking behind their back, not only does not bless them, but we are not blessed by doing it...
"I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church, rather be of one mind, united in thought and purpose." (1 Corinthians 1:10) NLT

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