Monday, February 8, 2016

"Ruin by Implication"

"How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors." (Psalms 73:19) Just so you know, this word "desolation" is not the same as the word we looked at yesterday; but for what it is worth, they still both involve 'ruin' in the mix, this one is more like ruin illuminated or brought to light. Which is pretty much what happens when wickedness meets Holiness! Yesterday in church I was reminded about something totally simple about David's boldness to stand up against Goliath, in that he saw Goliath as a wicked man who was trying to stand up against a Holy God; and not just a God, but his God, the God that he prayed to and sang to and knew to be oh so real. As he came to bring bread to his brothers, he overheard this giant mocking his God, and he was immediately turned into a champion for righteousness. It is almost like a light switch, you cannot will it to happen, it has got to be turned on; but when it is lighted, it is busy taking on wickedness. I think David understood this, as he explained his ability to defeat a lion and a bear, he was totally convinced that righteousness always wins over wickedness. As you may know, the wicked will not disagree with their fate, nor try and explain their way out of judgment. They will know that they deserve to be where they end up, and we see this from Jesus showing us that fact with the story of 'The Rich Man and Lazarus' from Luke 16:19-31. No where during the story does the Rich Man challenge his fate; he obviously accepts where he has ended up is where he deserves to be. But what he wants, more than anything else, it to have Lazarus sent to his five living brothers, so that they might see their fate and change their ways. What a difference a little death might do! Obviously we need some serious "desolation" in our lives now, while we are still able to make a choice; because life as we know it, well, it's like a switch...
"Don't you realize that from the beginning of time, ever since people were first placed on the earth, the triumph of the wicked has been short lived and the joy of the godless has been only temporary? Though the pride of the godless reaches to the heavens and their heads touch the clouds, yet they vanish forever, thrown away like their own dung. Those who knew them will ask, 'Where are they?'" (Job 20:4-7) NLT

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