Monday, March 30, 2015


"Because of his strength will I wait upon Thee: for God is my defense." (Psalms 59:9) Don't ever think that God does not have a handle on this; doing so will just confuse you and everyone around you, and will cause you take your eyes off of the Truth. That is what happens, don't you know? We see what is happening as something that God is not in control of, and then we doubt He will defend us and protect us. But in all seriousness, it is those things which overwhelm us that are needed for us to wait upon God; otherwise, we try to figure out a way to work things out on our own. If we think we can handle something, then we usually will not call out to God for His help; what a mess we end up making for ourselves! We really need to learn how subtle the enemy is, and how he works to distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. It's not that we cannot do anything on our own, because I am sure that there are things that God wants us to without His guidance or permission; things like loving on your kids or your spouse, or rushing over to help someone that is about to get seriously hurt; but when it comes to a fork in the road, or something that might alter your relationship with Him, then you had better wait on Him. Besides, if you wait on the Lord, and if He is in control of the situation, then you don't get the blame for what happens, it's all on God! Don't you think that works out better for you? God's going to get the glory anyways, so why not give Him the blame right off the bat? Take a few minutes and think about what is being said, and consider who it is that you are dealing with. Yes, "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4), but He is in you to guide you! If we would only listen; but that is the whole point of being His children; because the first part of that famous verse says that we are, "little children"; and just like little children always do, we sometimes don't listen...
"And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as His children? He said, My child, don't make light of the LORD'S discipline, and don't give up when He corrects you. For the LORD disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one He accepts as His child. As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you a His own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn't discipline you as He does all of His children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really His children at all." (Hebrews 12:5-8)  

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