Saturday, March 21, 2015


"Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men." (Psalms 59:2) It's not what you think it is; although, it could be disguised by that word "bloody", as in bloody men who enjoy the taking of innocent life. Actually, it is rather hard to imagine myself as I was living in Texas in my teens, because I had done some things that I can't believe I could do, and feel good doing them; things like hunting innocent little animals for fun; like it was just some kind of a sport, like catch and release fishing, except those poor little creatures were not shown any mercy. Today I will go out of my way to avoid hitting a little chipmunk that is running across the road, even though it does not appear to know which way it is going; I literally will stop sometimes just so I can give it a chance to think about what it wants to do; which must really confuse them, because they will sometimes stop, stand up on their back legs, and look at me like I am weird or something. Towards the end of Leviticus, God gives warnings to His look on life and about how serious His is, and there just so happens to be an example presented in the form of a person that blasphemed the Name of the LORD (Lev. 24:10-23). The Lord uses this example to express how life is important, yet in the process, He has the children of Israel take this man's life by stoning him to death. How iteresting that God would use the taking of a life to show how much we need to respect life. Then again, all throughout the Bible it is the shedding of inocent blood that covers sin; from the very first sin, God made new clothes for Adam and Eve, as He replaced their fig leaves with animal skins. Don't you think that it is interesting how life is the blood, and yet the blood of Jesus Christ gave us life? I mean, not that it is a secret or anything, but it does make you kind of wonder how important our blood is to God; even the account of Abel's blood is enough to make you wonder... "And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And He said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground." (Genesis 4:9-10)

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