Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Simple Faith..."

"For Thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and Thy truth unto the clouds." (Psalms 57:10) I don't know why we need to make it so complicated, when it is meant to be so simple; just believe, it really does not get much more simple than that! I am one of those guys that likes to know how things work; I can remember that I destroyed on of the first windup toys that I got when I was a kid, because I needed to know how it worked; and then after I found out, it never worked right again. There are some things that must remain a mystery in order to remain faith; we do not need to know all of the answers in order to believe, because the biggest part of believing is knowing that God knows a heck of a lot more than you, and that should give you comfort; so much so, that you can just rest in the fact that He knows everything that there is to know, and if He cares to share something with you, then He will, sooner or later. Personally, I kind of like not knowing everything there is to know about God, because there is kind of a certain magnificence and awesomeness in how mysterious God is, and how it is beyond our ability to take in His completeness, which is something we may never ever get to do. Oh, we will be in His presence, and we will live in His Light, but have you actually thought about the size of "New Jerusalem"? it's 1,400 miles long, wide, and high, with walls that are 216 feet thick, and it just floats down from heaven (Revelation 21:10-17); I mean really, I live in Redding, and I can drive to San Diego and back and still be under 1,400 miles of distance traveled; it would be 1,350 miles, to be exact. Now imagine walking that distance, to the left and right about 24,000 times, and you would have skipped about every 16th of a mile, or about 330 feet, or a little more than a football field length , which is about what I figured it would take just to take everything in that is around you; but wait, there is still the height to take into consideration, which is also 1,400 miles high, and there could be floors or levels that need to be explored also. Now how can I even begin to consider knowing everything about a God that can create something like that; let alone try and figure out how that is the church, "The Bride of Christ" (Revelation 21:9). The complexity of God is more than we can even begin to understand; and I know I shared this before, but have you ever considered how a single brain cell can compare to the universe? just imagine if our known universe was just as big as one of God's brain cells; how big do you think that would make God to be? Even if it were the size of His brain, that would still be a really really big God. If you have ever listened to Chuck Missler, who comes on at 2:00pm in the Pacific area, he can get pretty deep into some pretty far-out stuff; and the other day he said something like, "The only thing that is real is time, yet God is not constrained by time", or something to that effect; talk about something to try and figure out, that is one that goes to the ends of the universe and back...  "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line? What supports its foundations, and who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" ---- "Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God's critic, but do you have answers?" (Job 38:4-7 & 40:2)  

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