Monday, December 15, 2014

"It's All Him!" -2

"I will praise Thee for ever, because Thou hast done it: and I will wait on Thy name; for it is good before Thy saints." (Psalms 52:9) Just when I thought I was moving on, God is making me wait. It is good to wait upon the Lord; it might be hard sometimes to do it, but in reality, that is what makes it so good! Do you need me to explain that? because I don't have all day! As I was praying this morning, I had a gentle reminder given to me about why this is so important, and why it is that God wants us to wait upon Him. We really do like to have the ability to take some of the credit for everything good that happens to us; just as we like to blame someone else for all the bad; inherently we are that way because of our sinful nature, and our flesh loves to come out smelling like a rose. Because this Psalm is about "God's Judgment and Grace", I need to say one more thing about what that actually means when it comes to waiting upon the Lord, which is how much we need to trust in God's judgment, and not try to come to our own conclusions about anything. I know that God is in control, even in the worst situations, He never lets go of me; yet I still try to figure stuff out, and try to plan out what God is doing; as if I have a better plan than He does. But isn't that the whole point of what it is all about? I mean, really, if we step back and look at our spiritual life, we do the same thing when it comes to trying to help God completed His work in us. I am not feeling very spiritual, so I had better start reading my Bible more; or I need to pray more often, because I don't feel as though I am in touch with God. These are not bad things to set out to do, the problem is, that the reasons for doing them are wrong, and they will only end up frustrating our spiritual condition. If we don't feel God's Spirit upon our lives, then we need to ask Him to fill us with His Spirit; and if we don't feel as though we are in touch with God, then we need to ask Him for forgiveness, because we obviously have some sort of sin that has caused a separation in our relationship. In other words, we cannot create a change in our spiritual life by doing this or that, only God can change us! Maybe you're problem is something else, something more to do with love? I don't feel as though I can love the way that I am meant to love? or I don't feel as though I really love at all? Perfect! That is where God wants you, wanting Him to fill you with His love, so that you can love through Him, and so that He can love through you. Besides that, the title above Psalms 53 in my Bible says, "Men Are Evil", which pretty much sums up why we need God to work in us and why we cannot be trusted to do anything on our own, not even to love; because our love is always looking for payment or acknowledgement... "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us. Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us His Spirit." (1 John 4:10-13)

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