Saturday, August 14, 2010


"Ye also, as Lively Stones, are built up a Spiritual House, a Holy Priesthood, to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices, Acceptable to God By Jesus Christ". (1 Peter 2:5) There is nothing that can take the Place of Jesus Christ to provide Holiness for us; Absolutely Nothing! Yet, sadly, there will be many that will try to enter in another way, without surrendering All of their lives to The King Of Glory. These 'Stones' mentioned above from 1 Peter 2:5, are not just ordinary stones; but they are hand picked by the Lord for the building of His Temple; The Church. Each one is fit within a certain place by the Master Builder; to be locked in place; as if it was meant to fit where it goes. I have heard it said, and have actually repeated it myself, 'that if the Lord can not use you as a Stone in His Temple, then you will be ground up for the mortar'. However, I do not think that there will be any mortar; just stone upon stone. The more I study His Word, the more I believe that there is no 'half way', or partial surrender; it is 'All or nothing'! And if the Lord cannot use a particular Stone in His building of His Temple, then it is Discarded. Am I saying that we must be perfect? No! Only He is perfect; in All His Ways!!! But what I am saying, is that we must be surrendered to Him; believing that He is Lord. We can try to be perfect all of our lives, but if He is not the Lord of our lives, then it is all for nothing. The Bible says, "Our righteousness is filthy rags to God"; which means, that because only Jesus can wash away our sins, our trying to wash our sin with righteousness does not work. It is like taking a clean rag, and rubbing it on our filthy bodies, and then trying to present that dirty rag to God. However, once we have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb, any righteousness done, is then acceptable unto God, and worthy in His sight. As we read on a little further in 1 Peter 2, we will see in verse 9, that Peter lays down some Awesome Good News, "But ye are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a Peculiar People, that ye should show forth the praise of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His Marvellous Light." This he proclaims after making some very interesting comments about 'The Chief Cornerstone'. There is something that you must know about our God: He is so Merciful!!! For now, I will only say this: 'God can redeem the Discarded Stone!' "The Stone which the builders refused is become the Head Stone of the Corner." (Psalms 118:22)

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