Monday, August 9, 2010

"A City Set On A Hill"

"Ye are the Light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." (Matthew 5:14) Alrighty then, let's get busy; there are a couple different ways to view the second portion of this scripture; either way you look at it, it has the meaning of 'for all to see'. However, if we look at it in the context of what was previously said, I believe that there might be a little more to it. The previous verse was the verse that was with the one above at the end of Saturday's post; you might remember, that was the crappy day. The first part of 5:14, is very cut and dry; 'Ye are the Light of the world.' This is easy enough to understand: As Believers in Jesus Christ, He has given us the Holy Spirit, which dwells within us, and shines the Light of Jesus into and through our lives. God is Light, and the presence of God in us, brings Light into a dark world; however, we are still required to let our light shine. Which then takes us to the next portion of the scripture, "A city that is set upon a hill cannot be hid"; this can be looked at in a couple different ways. The first way to look at it, is pretty much to accept that it is speaking about the need for us to be a city on a hill, so that our light is not hid. This might be what our Lord meant when He said it; or, maybe, just maybe He meant something else. Maybe what He was saying, was to imply that we are the Light of the world, and that we cannot be hid. Okay, maybe you did not get that? In the context of what Jesus is saying in all the previous 12 verses, which are not only the Beatitudes, but also in verses 10-12, Jesus speaks about those that are persecuted for His sake, and how they need to Rejoice and be exceeding Glad; that makes this pretty much a fact: We are marked by God; and as such, we are like a city that has been placed upon a hill for all to see. Now then; because we are a city on a hill, we must let our light shine for all to see; because if we do not let that light shine, we are still a city on the hill, but just one that has no luster; which is like a dingy city that no one wants to go to. What I believe that the Lord is saying, is kind of like a wait and see declaration; where He is describing what the effect of being the Light of the world will be; for all to see. In the next passage, verse 15, "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but put it on a candlestick: and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."; this verse I believe is connected more to verse 13 then it is to verse 14. The reason that I believe that is because it has the same basic meaning as the 'Salt' that is good for nothing; a light put under a bushel is also good for nothing. Okay, maybe you are not convinced, and that is alright; but this is what I see being said: When we become a Child of God, a Follower of Jesus Christ, we are now in the cross hairs of the enemy; but we are also in the sight of non-believers to see also; and you can bet that they will be looking; if not just for the sake of seeing what we do. This is exactly what the world did to Jesus; why would it be any different for us? The world will look upon us, because we are a city that is set upon a hill, for all to see; and because we are a city that is placed upon a hill for all to see, we must make sure what they see is Light; a radiant city that shines with the glory of God. (But maybe I'm wrong?) "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

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