Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"A City Set On A Hill" -2

If you think about it; really stop and ponder, (that means to give it a lot of thought), you will see that the Lord had a Glorious City on His mind. This really was something that was driving Him to the cross: The Glorious City, which is His Church; which is what we are!!! But maybe I am getting ahead of where I am to be? Back to the 'city that is set on a hill'. When you look throughout the Bible for all the different references to 'city', you will discover that there are a lot; in fact, I was quite surprised just how many there were; almost half as many as 'children'. Yet there is one city that keeps coming up as glorious, and that is Jerusalem. This is something that we must come to realize as Believers in Jesus Christ: We are now a part of His Holy City. That's right; when we give our life to Christ, this is what we become; and as His Holy City, we are to be Holy; as odd as that may sound, because many will say, "But we are not Holy"; True, True. But then again we are Holy; Why??? Because He is Holy, and because we are the Body of Christ, that makes us Holy too! This will all come out in the wash, you can count on it; but for now, let's just see where He is leading us. Anyways, when you look at the scriptures before this 'City on a Hill' passage, you will see that the Lord is talking about how we are to act; which means, how people are to see us. The reason that this is important, is because, how people see us, is how people will see Him. This is really not that had to grasp; we are His Church, which means that technically, spiritually, and eternally we are the Body of Christ. How people see the Body of Christ matters! So how are we doing? Not so good I think. I can't help but wonder what non-believers think, as they watch us fight, and bicker, and moan, and complain; because who wants to be a part of that? Maybe you don't think they are looking? Maybe your right; because maybe it has gone on for so long, that they don't really look for the Light to be there anymore. However; God is Bigger than we know, and He will restore His Church!!! I believe this, and really think that we are all in for something really powerful to take place in our churches; very soon! Why do I say that? Because I believe that we are living in the last days, and that our God is so very Merciful, that He will not let His Church, this City that is Set upon a Hill, be the cause for any to perish in this time of His coming. What I am trying to say is that the closer He gets, the Brighter we will shine; we just don't realize that yet, but it's coming...Just wait and see!!! "For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness there of go forth as brightness, and the salvation there of as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all the kings thy glory: And thou shalt be called by a New Name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. Thou shalt also be crowned of glory in the Hand of the Lord, and a Royal Diadem in the Hand of thy God." (Isaiah 62:1-3)

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