Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Because He Loves Us"

You know that song that you may have sang as a kid: "Jesus Loves me, This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little Ones to Him belong, They are weak, But He is Strong. Yes, Jesus Loves Me. Yes, Jesus Loves me. Yes, Jesus Loves me. The Bible tells me so." It really is something that we must hold onto with all of our might. Because when we see ourselves in comparison to Him, we are very, very, very tiny; I mean, way, way, way small; really, really, really Little. Think about this concept for a moment; Here we are on this little ball that is called earth, and millions and billions of Light Years away, more and more Galaxies are being discovered all the time; and to think that Jesus was the Creator of all of that; how tiny do you feel compared to Him? Yet, as tiny as we are, He knows us by name, and He loves us all; each and everyone the same. Now then; I want you, just for a moment, to think about that discarded stone I mentioned the other day. Don't ask me how this works, because I can't tell you; but the stone that was discarded, was hand picked by Him in the first place; so then, wouldn't you think that the Lord of all the universe, that hand picked a tiny stone, which He had created originally, could find a place for it somewhere within the building of His Temple? I Do! In fact; I believe that He will do everything He can to make that Little Tiny Stone, that He has chosen, fit into His Glorious Building. Oh, it may require a little modifying, or a little chipping, or chisel here or there; but He will make it fit one way or another; Why? Because HE LOVES US!!! And like I said, I don't know how it works, but He picked us before we were even formed in our mother's womb; which means, that He picked us before we had a chance to even commit our first sin; and yet because we were born into sin, He died on the cross, that we could be Reborn, without no sin; and All The While, It Is Because He Has Chosen Us!!! How else can I say this: He Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself; and you don't think He has your Little Life in the Palm of His Hand? Think Again!!! "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath Blessed us with All Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ: According as He hath Chosen us in Him before the foundations of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in Love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the Good Pleasure of His Will, to the praise of the Glory of His Grace, wherein He hath made us Acceptable in the Beloved:" (Ephesians 1:3-6)

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