Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Faint Not, Saint"

"Gird up thy loins now like a man"; (Job 38:3 & 40:7) This word translated 'Man' in the Hebrew is 'Ghever' which pictures man at his Best and Proudest moments. When God first spoke to Job in chapter 38, and before He said, "Gird up thy loins", He said, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?" Oh, what little we truly know; Really! Most of the things which we see, and think we do know, are all explained and made known by theories. In fact, it is said that nothing is certain except death and taxes; but death is even questioned. However, with God, there are no theories, just Truth; there is only Light and dark, and as soon as God shows up there is only Light. As soon as man thinks he has something figured out, something comes along and blows holes in his theory. Just imagine how much more there is to know when you factor in the things that are not seen. Now concerning this word 'Ghever': To be Strong; to be a valiant man, a warrior. It is commonly associated with warfare and had to do with the strength and vitality of the Successful Warrior. It may have been a technical term for Nobility. A 'Ghever' was a male at the very peak of his natural strength. Okay then; What can we take from this, and apply to our current position in Jesus Christ? If we look to the Book of Ephesians, which happens to be based on our Position in Christ and on Warfare, we will find that the peak of our natural strength in Christ is to be a Saint; which technically is Nobility in Heaven. Remember, the Greek word for 'Saint' is 'Hagios', which means: Holy, set apart, sanctified, sharing in God's purity. It is because of this position which we have in Christ that we are able to stand; to be strong in the Lord. The first piece of 'The Armor of God' is to gird up thy loins about with Truth. The first thing we must do in order to gird up our loins with the Truth is to believe that it is Truth, otherwise, our girding won't do much good. So, if we believe that we are His Saints, that the battle is His, and that we have a much better place waiting for us; we can then gird up our loins with that Truth and Stand with Nobility. There is one more thing that God added after both statements "Gird up thy loins now like a man", and it was "For I will demand of thee". The word 'demand' is not the same as 'command'. A captain issues commands, but demands attention. In other words, it is expected of us to be strong, because He is Strong! He is either God, or He isn't!!! (Okay, I am done picking on Job...)

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