Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Faint Not; For He Is Strong" 2

Say, 'Hey Rich, you seem like you are being a little harsh?' No, I don't think so. I feel as though I am getting to the point. So what is the point? It's like this: Our God is Big, really Big! And He is Strong; more stronger than we know. Yet for some reason His strength is forgotten about as soon as there is adversity. Why do I say that? Okay; for example: If there are the same ratio of divorces among Christians as there are among the rest of the world, there is something wrong. You might say, 'What does that have in common with adversity?' Okay, let's go back to this word 'Faint' in Proverbs 24:10; one of the meanings of that word was 'letting go of someone'; or 'To let someone go'; which basically is the root cause for many divorces: They simply 'Let Go' of the commitment which was made in the marriage. So then, is it any wonder that if they can let go of the marriage so easily, that they will also let go of their faith during adversity? Which one is easier to hold onto? Really; think about that for a moment. Marriage is just one example, and is one that is easy to compare with that of the world. But there are many others, and they all have one thing in common: To let go of our grip; or To slack the hand. Because a valiant warrior will tighten his grip upon his weapon as the battle intensifies, not loosen it! Besides; we really are only as strong as our God is! What does that mean? Well, the reason that God demands that we be Big and Strong, is because He is Big and Strong. Okay: When we are His child, we are joint-heirs with Christ; which means, that the strength of our God is our strength. Did that make any sense? Maybe I should try another: When Jesus said, "If you had the faith of a mustard seed", what He meant was that the little strength we have, when it is placed in Him, can do Big things. What do you think that faith really means? It is the strength of our belief! And although our faith is in that which is not seen, our faith must be seen!!! Because without the proof that we believe there is no faith; Ouch! "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that Faith without works is dead?" (James 2:19 & 20)

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