Thursday, August 12, 2010

"The Lamps And The Oil"

It may be a little complicated to illustrate what I believe 'The Lamps' represent, because in the illustration that is given by Jesus in Matthew 25 of the Ten Virgins, the 'Lamps' are perceived as something that is external, or outside the body. These 'Lamps' that are depicted here would be better translated as 'Torch'. In eastern countries, the torch, like a lamp, is fed with oil which is carried in small vessels constructed for the purpose and called 'aggela', as in Matthew 25:4, "But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps." This word 'Aggela' means a vessel or container which is used to carry solid substances; a vessel made of wood, clay, shell, gold, silver, or copper; and it also means the body of a man in contrast to his soul. There are two Greek words that translate 'Lamp' in the gospels, 'Lamoas', and 'Luchnos', which is sometimes translated "candle". In Matthew 6:22, the eye, as the source of light or organ by which light is received, is called the "lamp (luchnos) of the body". The word 'Lampas' means to light, shine; a torch, lamp, lantern; a lamp fed with oil. These were the usual means of lighting a house, or any other building, or dark area; for example, when they came for Jesus that night in the garden, they carried torches so as to identify who He was. 'Lampas' comes from the word 'Lampo', which means to shine, give light; in an absolute sense, and metaphorically. Now then, the 'Oil' is easier to distinguish, for we all know that the 'Oil' represents the Holy Spirit; at least that is how it is perceived to be. The real question is what the 'Lamps' and the 'Vessels' represent; because all Ten Virgins had their 'Lamps', but only five of them had their 'Vessels'. So then, given what is listed for the meaning of 'Lamp', it is fairly easy to determine the 'Lamp' means to shine, or to give off light; which all Ten Virgins had in their possession. In other words, all Ten Virgins possessed the ability to shine, but only five of them had the 'Vessels' required to hold the 'Oil' which makes The True Light Shine; because without the 'Oil', only the wicks in their 'Lamps' would burn, which really is not adequate Light. My question to you is this: What are the "Vessels"? Here is a clue: The Vessels are Holy! And here is another clue: This illustration goes right along with the illustration of "The Sheep and The Goats"; the difference being, that the five Foolish Virgins knew they were lacking, but the Goats did not...

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