Friday, August 13, 2010

"The Lamps And The Oil" - 2

So, How are we doing? To start off with, and to clear up any confusion from yesterday: whether or not all Ten Virgins had 'Vessels' is not the question, because they all had a vessel; but rather that they had 'Vessels' worthy of the 'Oil', that is a different matter. In case you did not figure it out, the 'Vessels' are our physical bodies; and they all had bodies; but only five of them had bodies that were able to contain the 'Oil' that was needed to keep their 'Lamps' lit. In other words, five of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and five were not. And when I said that five of them did not have their 'Vessels', what that meant was, that those five did not have 'The Vessels' required for the Holy Spirit to inhabit. We must remember something that is vitally important, the Holy Spirit is God, and God cannot fellowship with darkness; which means that He will not take up residence within a 'Vessel' that is not Holy. But you might say, 'Then how can we be filled with the Holy Spirit?' That is really quite simple: When Jesus is our Lord, then our body is One with His; which means, that because He is Holy, so are we; which then makes way for the Holy Spirit to take up residence within us. This is the reason that the Holy Spirit had to be sent after Jesus was Glorified; because after He ascended and was glorified, in essence, so were we. Although we will not receive our eternal glorified bodies until we leave this earth, in the mean time, we have these bodies which have been glorified in Him; which have also become a dwelling place for His Spirit. So then; Why did the five Foolish Virgins not have the proper 'Vessels' required for the Holy Spirit to dwell within? Because they did not have a 'Personal Relationship' with Jesus Christ! Which also meant that the 'Light', or their 'Lamp' was a false light; which was one that was actually lit by their relationship with the church, but not by a 'Personal Relationship' with Jesus Christ. Which is why, after getting their proper vessels, it was to late, because the door had been shut; and yet when they stood at the door and cried out, 'Lord, Lord', and it says, "But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not". (Matthew 25:12) The Holy Spirit can 'come upon us', speak to us, and even soften our hearts; but in order to Dwell Within us, we must first have a 'Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ'. This 'Vessel of Clay' must be a worthy dwelling place for God, and only Jesus can make that happen; and it is our relationship with Him that allows for it to happen. Our relationship with the church will not allow it, but merely makes us think that we are okay; which then brings us to the illustration of "The Sheep and The Goats". The 'Sheep' were those that have a 'Personal Relationship' with Jesus, but the 'Goats' do not; however, the 'Goats' were under the illusion that they were well equip all the way up to the 'Judgement Seat of Christ'; but the 'Five Foolish Virgins' had realized they were lacking at His Coming. This is a critical time that we are living in, and we must make sure that we are ready!!! "Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:13)

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